Friday, May 1, 2015

Do the Doo

It's a beautiful morning, aah, I think I'll go outside for a while, and smile!
I got up early and after doing my oblations to God, I took the dogs for a walk.  It has been a week or so since my last walk because I don't usually go for a walk if I plan to work outdoors all day.  It is just to exhausting to do both.  Yard work just wipes me out and I am lucky to stay awake for an hour after dinner.  So much for making 10 earrings per day to sell every night. 

I decided to address a delicate subject.  PICK UP YOUR DOG DOO.  It is so gross to step in some dog's doo or find it on the front lawn.  I have a simple method that I employ.  All you need is a clothes pin and a fold top plastic food bag. 
Small bags work for small dogs

 (My dogs are small to that size works for me, and I have several boxes in storage from Costco that were in the combination package a few years ago.)  You can adjust the bag to the size of the dog.  It's a disgusting job, but we must do our part at being a good neighbor.

I fold the bag around the leash and pin it with the clothes pin. So easy.  I also put one on each dog's leash because the minute I walk out the door  and walk 20 feet one of them has to take a dump.

  Invert the bag, put your hand inside and pick up the doo.  No touching,  a little smelling. 

 Fold the bag closed and pin it to the leash away from your nose.  My dogs get to carry their own poop and I don't have to put it in my pocket and smell it percolate. Invariably the other will follow some time on the trip so that is why they carry their own bag.  When you get home, toss the bags in the garbage can and you have done your patriotic duty.  Thank you, my friend.

All ready to go for their walk

After the walk I ate my breakfast out doors.  I had 5 chickens on one side and 2 dogs on the other and the cat arrived a few minutes later.  Wonder who feeds the animals around here???

  Only four here, Rooster Fritz was a little camera shy.

Abby and Boo always begging for food.  Bella just sat under the table.  I'm surprised at that, she is usually on top of the table.  That's her style.



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