Thursday, April 23, 2015

All Gone

 We took down the greenhouse.  Whoa!  As I looked at it, i was thinking, "What aneye sore." I told that to Dan one day, "I decided to get rid of the greenhouse.'  That's all it took. With the garbage dumpsters scheduled next week, he got up Tuesday morning and said, "We are dismantling the greenhouse today."  Now that was not on my schedule.  I worked outside all day Monday (where was he then?), and planned to tackle the basement on Tuesday.  I had already walked the dogs and taken a shower and dressed in nice clothes for the day.  I didn't plan any sweaty, dirty work; just putting a bookcase back together and organizing the DVDs.  

I changed my clothes, donned my grubbies and set out to demolish the greenhouse.  Now Dan just doesn't understand the order of things.  First, I had to clean out the shed, then move a ton of stuff out of the greenhouse into the shed.  That wasn't going to happen.  I pulled the six tables I had stored in the shed and the chicken coup stuff and discovered mouse and rat dropping all over the shelves. (I quit that disgusting job!). 

I assigned Dan to start on the back and side of the greenhouse dismantling while I began the arduous task of removing the contents of the greenhouse.  Everything was covered with spider webs and dirt blown in so I just put it all out on the lawn and cement to be washed with the hose. 
(Interesting factoid, my Aracana, Hawkeye, loves spider nests.  She spent a lot of time pecking them off the greenhouse stuff.)

Working out there reinforced my decision to get rid of the greenhouse.  It had become a junk storage area.  I didn't like to do my repotting, etc., out there because it would just get too hot so I moved it under the deck.  Under there I make an awful mess when I repot so that potting area has to go, too.  I had a set up in the garage once and didn't like that either.  I prefer to be out in the open air.  Now the potting paraphernalia is all over the place and I need some think time to decide what to keep, what to store and where to put my nice redwood potting table that has been collecting dirt out in the now extinct greenhouse.  Dan is getting antsy about my timetable, but that is another story or disagreement.  I have until Wednesday to make a decision before the dumpsters come. 
Only part of the 'Stuff"

More 'stuff' to come.

Looking like a junk yard

My nice potting table (with dirt)
The potting table won't fit here as is.  I may have Dan remove the shelves and make a shelving space at the side.  He likes projects and it takes him away from his sick time.  He always feels better when working.

So, back to the demolition derby.  I worked inside and Dan worked outside and, of course, he got done in no time.  Then he sat on the stool waiting and watching me and telling me to throw this away and that away.  I can't think clearly about that when I am in the middle of it.  I have to spend think time in the shade with a glass of icy something for making my gardening decisions.  Good grief!

After emptying the space, it took no time for the shell to disappear.  We are now left with a pile of denailed 2 X 4s to use for shelving in the shed.  Dan was so into tossing stuff that he was tossing the wood, too.  I had to reign him in and show him the error of his ways.  Now I have shelves in the shed.  There are some things that I need to keep in order to do my planting. It is my hobby, at least one of them; a lifesaving hobby after the long, dreary winter.

Now there is a lovely area to decorate in my never used back yard. I sat out there this morning, ignored the mess until Saturday, and just soaked in the feeling--the cool breeze, the freshness, the exhilarating morning beauty of it all.  I plan to eat my breakfast outside and lunch until it gets too hot. Won't that be great?  Nature is my happy place, where I have my 'happy thots.'

Building Shelves

Shed with part of the shelves.

Rescued Lumber plus Chicken Barricades

Dan, probably grumbling about More Junk.

This area will be cleaned, no potting stuff.  Just  a nice area to rest in the shade.
Temporary chicken barricades to keep the girls off the cement.  Y'all know why.

More barricades--nice little spot coming together
Now to decide which tree to plant at the back of this spot for shade.  Do I want a fast growing Green Ash, Catalpa or Mulberry for my own pleasure quickly, or something slower, but more lovely like a Red or Green Maple? I have my own nursery of free seedling trees that I rescued from my yard.  I also have a Hickory from The Arbor Society.  I know nothing about them

Trees, pots, and temp chicken proofing.

There is beauty hidden here somewhere.  Patience.  I'm thinking. 

BTW:  I am putting three or four tables out on the curb for free.  Any takers?  These were from weddings.


(How's That?)


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