Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Today is the beginning of Spring Cleaning.  Theoretically, my new cleaning schedule should eliminate the need for Spring cleaning, but I haven't implemented it yet.  There is too much catch-up work to do still.  

After a basic bedroom cleaning job, I decided to continue washing all of the bedding.  I had to do two rooms that the cat messed up, so continuing that job will eliminate it later.  It is almost time to think about doing it anyway.  When the temperature is in the mid 60's on February 5th,  it feels like winter is over.  We are basking in sixty degree weather all month so far.  I keep waiting for the snow and it just doesn't come.

Today I finished up washing the pillows.  It has been a long day with the washer and dryer going all day.  See February 2nd for my pillow laundering discussion.  In the addendum added I showed the disaster of the day.  

My husband's memory foam pillow puffed up more than the retaining stitches and tore the cover leaking out batting bits. This fiber-filled part is inserted in the other memory foam cover. It is bits of fiber instead of layers and just expanded more than I expected.  Not to worry, however, he doesn't use it any more.  It is a very stiff foam.  I don't care for it either.  Since he bought the foam wedge for GERD, he uses this pillow behind the wedge to fill the space.  

My memory foam did not fare too well, either.  I just soaked it a while in my pillow clean formula without the bleach, but left the agitation on normal.  This is what I found when I opened the washer:

Mount. St. Helen's!  I am so sad.  I must have my pillow or I cannot sleep well.  Help!  I am going to get some spray on glue and see if that will hold it together for a while.  I don't even remember where I got this pillow.  Sniff, sniff!

The rest of the day went downhill from there.  The Flounder I bought with which to post my favorite baked fish recipe was nasty. Yuck!  I see why it was cheaper.  It is worse than Pollack.  My white fish of choice will be Cod or Halibut, if I could afford it. I almost  went to McDonald's, but we gagged it down the fish with a ton of tartar sauce.  Someone called to chit-chat while I was fixing dinner so I didn't get the Quinoa made.  We had crudites and drug out the tortilla chips and salsa. Some days just go down the toilet like that.

Cheer Up.

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